So far taking only disposables has been tough. It's keeping me on my toes for sure. Here is the second set that I was able to get printed.
Sunday, December 14, 2014
Sunday, November 23, 2014
Hi God,
Thank you for today.
Thank you for rest and sleeping in and for my bed.
God, so often I forget what a gift it is to even have that when so many other people in the world--in my own backyard--don't have one to sleep on.
God, be with those individuals tonight and give them warmth, comfort, hope.
Father, thank you also for nature, wind, rain and the leaves that make up this season.
I'm constantly astounded by you and how you crafted the earth and everything in it.
I guess what I'm saying Lord, is thank you.
For being faithful and loving but also God.
Lately, I question so much--safety, good and evil, mankind's ability to live in peace and harmony--and whether we'll ever fully be able to live into reconciliation. The world seems to me to be falling apart and then I read about you and your acts in the Old Testament and I just feel so overwhelmed by both your mercy and righteous anger. And it's both challenging and humbling. Jesus, I want to be okay with not knowing and have greater faith to trust you enough not to question why you do things the way you do. But I also want to have the kind of relationship with you where I'm also not afraid to ask. Not afraid to question or push or challenge you but not from a place of fear, or pride or righteousness because all that I am is because of you and all that I have is yours. Lord, not mine. Not my doing or my merit or my standing but all because of you. Because you called me forth into being and for you my life was made.
So Lord, would you be kind to me?
Would you lend your ear and be patient with me. God, I want to serve you so bad. To love you with all my heart, soul, mind, strength and to love my neighbor as myself (a conversation for another day) and put blood, sweat and tears into any work I do. But day to day, it's hard.
I'm impatient and rude with people. I'm ungracious with my housemates or inconsiderate of others. I think terrible things or forget to take care of myself. I get distracted and want to be lazy or I just plain want to take the easy route.
Lord, in your mercy, please do kindly by me. Please remember how you call me beloved daughter and friend and please continue to make me yours.
God, all my days, I want to spend with you. All my heart, I want to fill with you.
Saturday, November 1, 2014
disposables // #1
In an effort to discipline myself from my daily use of my iPhone camera, documenting everything, all the time, as I tend to do, I've committed to documenting my year with disposable cameras. Already, i'm finding this to be really hard because I can't take a photo of everything since a disposable camera only has so many exposures on it. And even when I do take a photo, I can't look at how it turned out right away and retake it if need be, because what's done is done. I've also found it really rewarding though! There's something so fun about raw film, edited with nothing but natural light.
Anyway, here we go, the first of many to come:
Wednesday, October 22, 2014
A Letter to the Lord
Loving God,
Thank you for this day. Thank you for the smell and sound of rain, for people who wake up early to make me coffee with a smile and a "how are you?".
It really means the world.
Thanks also for Fall, God! It's truly one of my favorite seasons.
And God,
Today especially, thank you for your relentless love.
God, it all just hit me super fast, one minute I was fine, and the next I felt like it was all crashing down on me.
It's hitting me today too Lord. That I can't do it on my own and that i'm not supposed to. That you didn't design us as machines to operate nonstop and without breaks but that you designed us uniquely and creatively to be salt and light to the earth but also to live out of our Belovedness as sons and daughters and not to get our worth out of our work-how much we do or who people say that we are.
So today Lord, would you draw near? Would you give me the strength and food I need to live this day faithfully, not out of a desire to be known for my own sake or to do my own will but yours, Lord?
On Earth as it is in heaven, give me, give us, Your ears to hear things the way you do, Your eyes to see what we would otherwise be quick to ignore and Your hands to do your work.
Lord, all that I am, I lay it down.
Thank you for this day. Thank you for the smell and sound of rain, for people who wake up early to make me coffee with a smile and a "how are you?".
It really means the world.
Thanks also for Fall, God! It's truly one of my favorite seasons.
And God,
Today especially, thank you for your relentless love.
God, it all just hit me super fast, one minute I was fine, and the next I felt like it was all crashing down on me.
It's hitting me today too Lord. That I can't do it on my own and that i'm not supposed to. That you didn't design us as machines to operate nonstop and without breaks but that you designed us uniquely and creatively to be salt and light to the earth but also to live out of our Belovedness as sons and daughters and not to get our worth out of our work-how much we do or who people say that we are.
So today Lord, would you draw near? Would you give me the strength and food I need to live this day faithfully, not out of a desire to be known for my own sake or to do my own will but yours, Lord?
On Earth as it is in heaven, give me, give us, Your ears to hear things the way you do, Your eyes to see what we would otherwise be quick to ignore and Your hands to do your work.
Lord, all that I am, I lay it down.
Sunday, October 19, 2014
pumpkins and patches
Cheers to friends and sunshine and a God who created it all. I may be regretting this trip to the pumpkin patch in a few hours when I'm still up working on this paper but I'll say it was worth it!
Wednesday, October 15, 2014
Thoughts on relationships and being human
Life has been a lot of things lately.
Mostly good, new and exciting.
But also not so good.
There are a lot of not so good things I've been purposely avoiding because it hurts to think about them and then there are things I have been ignoring because I'm removed from them and it's easier that way.
Even still, I'm kind of in awe of it all and super thankful for it.
For how life works and the blessing and hardship that it is to be a human.
How it is that God not only puts up with us but faithfully and relentlessly loves us, parents us, teaches us the way in which to go time and time again even when we inevitably disobey or fail him.
We give up. He persists.
We fall down. He picks us up.
We mess up. He forgives.
I am so ungracious with myself and others so easily and I often wonder why that is. Why it is that being in relationship with others is so dang hard.
And yet, God trusts us to be in relationship with one another when he could just as easily have kept us to Himself (not that that's in His nature). Trusts us to love and care for one another, to be reconciled with one another. Man.
This resonates with me right now as I've messed up a lot in the relational department lately.
God is faithful, honest, and constant and I desire to be more like that.
Sunday, September 14, 2014
Went on a really good date with Jesus just the other day. He's always so faithful in giving me rest and He's so worthy of my time.
Saturday, August 9, 2014
Let's talk about: Illegal Immigration
I know, I know, I just lost like, all of you. But hear me out.
Have you been keeping tabs on how many stories there are these days of kids who are being detained at the US border?
KIDS. Children, literally, being jailed. I mean, can you honestly tell me there in't something wrong with that? That your heart doesn't break a little bit at the sound of that?
Anyway, if you've been following me on Instagram then you'll know that i've been thinking about it.
And I know I really don't have a large readership on here, which I'm really okay with, but, on the off chance that you're actually reading this. Literally, really, actually reading the words on this screen, do you have any thoughts to share?
When you think about illegal immigration, where do your thoughts tend to go? Are your thoughts negative? Positive? Neutral? Is it something you think about at all or is it something you'd prefer to avoid because it's awkward or uncomfortable?
Really, I am just curious. My goal isn't to try to sway you tot think like I do nor is it to give you "all the right answers," (surprise, I don't have them!) I really just want to talk about it.
'Cause I think it's important. Besides, when I started this old thing that was the goal, to talk about the things that I found important or meaningful.
Anyway, I've said so much lately that I don't want to share what I think right away but if you're curious you can follow that link above from Instagram and you'll get a sense.
SO, any thoughts, book recommendations, website links to share?
I'd really appreciate it
Have you been keeping tabs on how many stories there are these days of kids who are being detained at the US border?
KIDS. Children, literally, being jailed. I mean, can you honestly tell me there in't something wrong with that? That your heart doesn't break a little bit at the sound of that?
Anyway, if you've been following me on Instagram then you'll know that i've been thinking about it.
And I know I really don't have a large readership on here, which I'm really okay with, but, on the off chance that you're actually reading this. Literally, really, actually reading the words on this screen, do you have any thoughts to share?
When you think about illegal immigration, where do your thoughts tend to go? Are your thoughts negative? Positive? Neutral? Is it something you think about at all or is it something you'd prefer to avoid because it's awkward or uncomfortable?
Really, I am just curious. My goal isn't to try to sway you tot think like I do nor is it to give you "all the right answers," (surprise, I don't have them!) I really just want to talk about it.
'Cause I think it's important. Besides, when I started this old thing that was the goal, to talk about the things that I found important or meaningful.
Anyway, I've said so much lately that I don't want to share what I think right away but if you're curious you can follow that link above from Instagram and you'll get a sense.
SO, any thoughts, book recommendations, website links to share?
I'd really appreciate it
Saturday, July 26, 2014
Teach me to number these days, that I may gain a heart of wisdom.
Teach me to number these days, that I may gain a heart of wisdom.
Teach me to number these days, that I may gain a heart of wisdom.
Teach me to number these days, that I may gain a heart of wisdom.
Teach me to number these days, that I may gain a heart of wisdom.
Thursday, July 24, 2014
Life Lately
Life lately is celebrating family birthdays and exploring my backyard to remember why I love the Pacific Northwest. Life lately is relishing in the rain while holding a cup of coffee after the heat of summer. Life lately is pressing into God's word and listening to His still small voice and all that He would have me hear. Life lately is Him picking my head up, smiling at me, calling me His beloved.
Monday, July 14, 2014
Life List
Yesterday, while watching the World Cup (*hugs Argentina*), my mom and I were discussing the Cristo Redentor (Christ the Redeeemer) statue in Rio de Janeiro.
I've known my mom's wanted to go for a while because every time she sees the statue on television she talks about how pretty it is and well, I can take a hint.
So, being the dreamer that I am, I got to looking up what it would take to get there. It was silly at first but then once we saw pictures and reviews we really wanted to go and now we've started talking savings.
Because I know my mom, I can't count on her being super serious about going and mind you, i'm still a college student with student loan debt to pay come next summer, so we can't go right away, but I do want to make it my personal goal to take her one day.
Anyway, amidst all the dreaming (we talked about visiting the Statue of Liberty too!), I realized why it is that so many people have bucket lists. I mean, if we don't write it down and make it a tangible goal to go, then it's never gonna happen is it?
So i've decided to start my very own.
I'll call it a life list* because i've never liked that it's called a "bucket list." What even is that, you know? Besides, I don't want this to be a "I have to do this before I die" kind of thing, but rather a "these are the things I want to do in my life" thing.
So, here goes, Elizabeth's very own life list:
1. Visit Rio de Janeiro and Cristo Redentor with my mom
2. Visit New York City. Once with my mom, once on my own. Seriously, some of my favorite bloggers are based in the Big Apple and uh, Law and Order anyone? I'd love to drink some bad coffee out of those little blue cups. Haha!
3. Finish reading all of the books that I own
4. Reverse my financial family tree
5. Document one year of my life with a disposable camera. I know a guy who does this and I love that it's becoming more of a thing! No more instant gratification.
6. Live somewhere other than in the Pacific Northwest, for a year
7. Learn another language (Preferably French, Latin or Portuguese)
8. Learn how to play the piano
9. Finish learning how to play the guitar
10. Get out of student loan debt
11. Own a dog
12. Trace my lineage
13. Buy season tickets for a team that I love
14. Write letters to people that I love for a year (minimum, once a month)
15. Learn how to make espresso
16. Read my bible through and through
17. Donate money to a charity that I love
18. Visit every US National Park
19. Take photos in a photo booth once a month, every month, for a year
20. Graduate from college!
21. Fall in love
This list will grow, but since i'm 21, I thought that 21 was a good place to stop while I keep working on this :)
Stay tuned for the updated list!
*inspired by this life list
I've known my mom's wanted to go for a while because every time she sees the statue on television she talks about how pretty it is and well, I can take a hint.
So, being the dreamer that I am, I got to looking up what it would take to get there. It was silly at first but then once we saw pictures and reviews we really wanted to go and now we've started talking savings.
Because I know my mom, I can't count on her being super serious about going and mind you, i'm still a college student with student loan debt to pay come next summer, so we can't go right away, but I do want to make it my personal goal to take her one day.
Anyway, amidst all the dreaming (we talked about visiting the Statue of Liberty too!), I realized why it is that so many people have bucket lists. I mean, if we don't write it down and make it a tangible goal to go, then it's never gonna happen is it?
So i've decided to start my very own.
I'll call it a life list* because i've never liked that it's called a "bucket list." What even is that, you know? Besides, I don't want this to be a "I have to do this before I die" kind of thing, but rather a "these are the things I want to do in my life" thing.
So, here goes, Elizabeth's very own life list:
1. Visit Rio de Janeiro and Cristo Redentor with my mom
2. Visit New York City. Once with my mom, once on my own. Seriously, some of my favorite bloggers are based in the Big Apple and uh, Law and Order anyone? I'd love to drink some bad coffee out of those little blue cups. Haha!
3. Finish reading all of the books that I own
4. Reverse my financial family tree
5. Document one year of my life with a disposable camera. I know a guy who does this and I love that it's becoming more of a thing! No more instant gratification.
6. Live somewhere other than in the Pacific Northwest, for a year
7. Learn another language (Preferably French, Latin or Portuguese)
8. Learn how to play the piano
9. Finish learning how to play the guitar
10. Get out of student loan debt
11. Own a dog
12. Trace my lineage
13. Buy season tickets for a team that I love
14. Write letters to people that I love for a year (minimum, once a month)
15. Learn how to make espresso
16. Read my bible through and through
17. Donate money to a charity that I love
18. Visit every US National Park
19. Take photos in a photo booth once a month, every month, for a year
20. Graduate from college!
21. Fall in love
This list will grow, but since i'm 21, I thought that 21 was a good place to stop while I keep working on this :)
Stay tuned for the updated list!
*inspired by this life list
Thursday, July 3, 2014
A (School) Year in Review
In light of recent events, transitioning from school to summer and being really sick (i'm talking nausea, chills, sleep all day kind of sick) the last few weeks or so, i've been really off my game.
so to catch you up on where I have been lately, it's here: thinking and reminiscing on the blessing of what this last school year was for me.
so, without further ado, i give you (my) school year in review:
overall, this year was a beautiful one. a year that i did not and could not have made happen on my own, but instead, one where God guided my steps and was evident, a year where i was stretched beyond my own limit, and where i learned and grew a lot.
i can't believe this marks my third year at SPU and that just one year from now I will have graduated (eek!)
however, if the last three years are any indication of what's to come, i know that one year from now, i will be looking back on my four years saying with full confidence, God has been good and all manner of things have been good.
yes, indeed, God is good all the time.
and all the time, God is good
currently listening to: hide away by ben rector
so to catch you up on where I have been lately, it's here: thinking and reminiscing on the blessing of what this last school year was for me.
so, without further ado, i give you (my) school year in review:
i got to spend the better part of september training to be an RA at SPU and then about a month later being joined by my babies residents (i liked to call them babies but they didn't like it as much). it was quite the privilege to serve with my RA Staff despite our ups and downs and my floor, man, for them, there are just no words. these women blessed me beyond what I deserved. we may have been small but we were fierce.
ah, october. a beautiful time filled with ferry rides, retreats to Camp Casey, skipping rocks, sitting around campfires and making new friends. oh, and being really *happy* campers, of course(hah!) i miss those faces.
a time for going and coming home. a reminder to be thankful and a time when you can share your city with your family. what could be better?
a time for missed train rides (and making the best of them), the festival of lights with my beautiful family and a time for celebrating (¡21!) in the city of my birth
a time to stress while watching football games and subsequently celebrate the Seahawks Superbowl Championship. a time to get out of the city and a time to celebrate snow (!!!) and most importantly a time to reconnect with old friends and to remember the gift of life. life is short and a privilege, let's not forget that.
a time for adventure, trying new things and making new friends and a time to grow in patience as planes got delayed, flights got cancelled and we were sent to Las Vegas in the middle of midterms. did i mention it was a time for adventure? hah! in all seriousness though, february was more about intentionally learning about the things God's heart cares about like shalom and reconciliation.
a time for rest and to reconnect with my family and more importantly my favorite little man, a time to learn about what love does and a time to explore new places.
phew, april! what a month. april was a time to step outside my comfort zone and campaign for a student government position at my school and a time to celebrate when i won (!!) running in an election was the scariest thing i've ever done but also the most humbling thing i've ever done. it's crazy for me to think that people actually believed i could represent them well and for that i am so thankful. aside from the election, april was a time to explore new and familiar places with friends :)
a time to celebrate a good year and to look towards a new one, a time to suck it up and pay for the ticket to the concert of your favorite band (needtobreathe) that you really, really wanted to go to and a time to enjoy it. a time to be thankful for the blessing of a floor that you got to share life with this year (something you too often took for granted)
a good month.
a season that was "supposed to be normal," and how i wish it had been. a hard season but more than that, a season more so defined by how a community responded to a tragedy and a season to mourn but also dance because though the events of that tragic day changed those of us who were a part of it, they also reminded us of the gift of life and that love wins. that life is still good and that light shines in the darkness and the darkness cannot understand it.
i can't believe this marks my third year at SPU and that just one year from now I will have graduated (eek!)
however, if the last three years are any indication of what's to come, i know that one year from now, i will be looking back on my four years saying with full confidence, God has been good and all manner of things have been good.
yes, indeed, God is good all the time.
and all the time, God is good
currently listening to: hide away by ben rector