Spring break has been really nice. After not seeing family for the last three months or so, it's fun to be back with everyone eating good meals, enjoying new sites and taking out my little ones on dates. On Saturday I hiked with my brother and sister near home to find some water falls that we had heard about but to no luck. However, we did get lost checking out some nice terrain on the countryside. Later we ate some tamales at home (thanks Mom) and then headed to our state capitol where the cherry blossoms are blooming very nicely. Then, the last two days has consisted of time with my little ones, taking them out on little dates to catch up on their lives or in little Leonardo's case, playing ball and "chatting" after a day at the park.
It's still a little weird to not have anything to do but what with it being spring break and all, that's kind of the point right?
Guess i'll go enjoy the time I have left!
currently listening to: fonseca- arroyito